28 Oct EU-Japan.AI Final Event with Expert and Advisory Board
In parallel with the broad stakeholder identification and information gathering phase, partners’ existing knowledge of the field was leveraged to produce a list of candidates (individuals or organisations from which an individual should be approached) to become members of the Expert and Advisory Board (EAB). The goal of coverage of all stakeholder groups if possible and a geographic balance between Europe and Japan were put forward. Over 30 individuals were approached and invited to join the EAB. Representatives from RPOs, RFOs, Industry and Policymaker groups accepted invitations. A final meeting with the Expert and Advisory Board (EAB) and all partners was held by the end of the project at which key results were presented. The EAB were generally supportive of the work done by the project and interested in its results. Some feedback on the best presentation of the results for various audiences (final reports, review meeting, academic papers and non-academic dissemination) was also provided by EAB members which will be taken into account in those activities. The event was mainly focused on:
- EU – Japan cooperation: Lessons learned & conclusions
- Survey results and comparisons between EU & Japan
- EU-Japan.AI Platform and AI Observatory: Live demonstration
Author: Coordinator, MINDS & SPARKS GmbH